.. _hgmo_firefoxreleases: ==================== Firefox Release Data ==================== hg.mozilla.org has facilities for aggregating and exposing information about Firefox releases performed from Mercurial changesets. This feature is currently only enabled on the `mozilla-central `_ repository. Features ======== Release Info on Changeset Pages ------------------------------- Changeset pages like https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/1362c0928dc1 display information on Firefox releases in relation to that changeset. Most pages should have a *first release with* and *last release without* section. Exceptions include changesets in the very early and very modern repository history. (This info isn't displayed unless we can find a release in both directions.) If a release was made from that changeset, there will also be information on those releases. e.g. https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/09a4282d1172. This includes a link to the pushlog containing changesets landed between two releases. Listing of Known Releases ------------------------- The ``firefoxreleases`` web command renders known Firefox releases from changesets in a repo. e.g. https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/firefoxreleases. A JSON view is available by using the ``json-firefoxreleases`` web command. e.g. https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/json-firefoxreleases. Filtering by *platform* is available by specifying the ``platform`` query string argument. e.g. https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/firefoxreleases?platform=win32. .. note:: If you want to read this data from machines, a better source might be https://mozilla-services.github.io/buildhub/. Development Info ================ Please `file bugs and feature requests `_ against the ``hg.mozilla.org`` Bugzilla component. For real time support, make noise in ``#vcs`` on ``irc.mozilla.org``.